Saturday, February 17, 2018

He's here!! June 20, 2017

My favorite part of pregnancy....


Just like any regular ol Monday I was off to my Bi-weekly OB appointment. I had been dialated to 3 cm for a week now. No change. 

Jaxton's heart rate was a little slow and seemed to slow more every appointment. The specialist Dr Bowen insisted a regular birth would be the safest option. Dr. Tamanaha (my new OB) really felt it was time to get this tiny gentleman out. He stripped my membranes and gave me a secret recipe. Yes the infamous caster oil milk shake. She said take this tonight or tomorrow morning and I will see you at the hospital tomorrow. If the baby didn't come naturally he scheduled me to be induced Wednesday.

I went home and called Justin who then left work early to be home. I packed hospital bags, did my nails, cleaned up the house and yes, partook of the shake around 3pm. The Dr. said if it is going to work it will work with in two hours. If my body wasn't ready it wouldn't work. Sure enough five o'clock rolls around and labor starts. Contractions weren't quite close enough together so I insisted we get dinner. 🐼 Panda Express was the craving. After eating we loaded up. Dropped Charlie off to Justin's aunt Mandi and headed the hour for the hospital. At this point it was a very different feeling than labor with Charlie. It was a different kind of scared and excited. Let's just say the statement, "the baby is healthy" has never wore on my mind the way it does now. 

After going back to triage they hooked Jaxton and I up to a monitor and they quickly gave me oxygen and called the ultrasound tech for help. For a regular baby his numbers were very alarming. Stating that they were going to prepare me for an emergency c-section, we let them know the baby has a heart defect. At that point they made all the nessesary calls and finally decided to admit me. It was about 6:30pm when we got there and around 11pm I was moved to a room: The delivery rooms at Banner Dessert are GORGEOUS!!! Of course I'm no hero and I opted to have The epidural as soon as they would give it to me. If I recall correctly I was finally nummed at 1am(ish)

(Not yet on epidural. This is my in pain face)

  At this point my incredible mother-in-law and sister Brenley were there for moral support. It wasn't until around either 7ish or 10ish (I can't remember) that Jaxton made his debut. The nurse said call when I felt pressure. All of a sudden I felt the urge to poop so I called her in and she said DONT MOVE! It's about to come out. Of course I had to hold off until the NICU team could get down and prepared for my warrior's arrival. Then of course the dr needed to be there. Everyone was ready. The dr finally came in and it was show time. Wondering why I didn't do any practice pushes the nurse told him it was right there and she didn't want to deliver the baby without him. He looked down there and I literally pushed once. He said" if you just laugh a little this baby will slide right out. Somebody tell her a joke" the room stayed silent and I remembered my favorite joke of all time. 

So yes I took the task to make myself laugh.

There were two muffins sitting in the oven. One muffin looks at the other and says, Man it's hot in here" 

The other muffin gasps!! "Oh my GOSH A TALKING MUFFIN!!!!"

Of course no one laugh but I did :) and my sweet precious baby was here. Just like I had prepared for there was no direct skin to skin, no holding my baby and enjoying that moment where heaven and earth become sooo close, no baby to distract from the placenta delivery. Jaxton was taken over to the little NICU warmer and checked. What a miracle!! His aorta was working for him!! He choose option. 1!!! Maybe, just maybe we would get to take him home

Not soon enough, I was able to hold my boy. For but a moment in time life was simple. Life was sweet.. he was perfect. 
For but a moment he was my healthy baby boy; 
The rest could wait.



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